What is #sayit and what is the platform supposed to achieve?

#sayit is a platform for experiences of discrimination in the medical context. It aims to give a voice to affected people and observers of situations in which people experience discrimination and to highlight grievances.

As well as highlighting discrimination, the platform is also intended to help raise awareness and educate people. You can find out what we mean by discrimination here. We want to reach both victims and observers and empower them to tell their stories, as well as encourage people to reflect on their own behavior patterns.

We want to encourage people to take an active stand against discrimination. That's why you can also find a list of support services and complaint options, available at the UKD, TU Dresden and in Dresden in general.

#sayit is neither a reporting platform nor a counseling center and serves solely to anonymously make discrimination visible.

This platform is based on the protection of the anonymity of the persons concerned and all those involved. All entries are therefore submitted anonymously via the contact form. We have no way of tracing who the submissions come from.
The anonymity of all persons involved in the situations described must also be preserved. If this is not given in the submissions, we will make personal details unrecognizable. 

The submissions do not relate to a specific institution or city. The website is publicly accessible to all people who find out about it. Experience reports from clinical traineeships/internships/work placements etc. are therefore not limited to a specific location.

Data protection
It is particularly important to us that data protection regulations are observed. Here you can find a PDF with our
Privacy policy.


You can read the received submissions here →



Du hast eine Diskriminierungserfahrung gemacht, oder eine Situation beobachtet, die du mit uns anonym teilen möchtest?
Dann schick uns deine Einsendung über das folgende Formular.

  • Bitte achte hierbei darauf die Anonymität der beteiligten Personen zu wahren. Falls du genauere Angaben zu bestimmten Personen machst, müssen wir diese anonymisieren. Was du zum Beispiel beantworten kannst: Warst du alleine in der Situation? Wo hat die Situation stattgefunden (z.B. OP, auf Station, im Seminar)? Wie hast du oder umstehende Personen reagiert?

#sayit wird unterstützt durch
Fachschaftsrat Medizin der TU Dresden,
der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der medizinischen Fakultät Dresden
und der Frauenbeauftragten der TU Dresden.